
I’m Edward Kim (김효민, 金曉民). My interests are generally in the Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Computation and their intersections with Theoretical Computer Science. I am currently at the University of Southern California’s ECE department as a second-year Ph.D student advised by Ben Reichardt.

I completed my undergraduate education at UC Berkeley with degrees in Computer Science and Pure Mathematics with Honors. I received my Masters from UNC Chapel Hill where I’ve contributed to topics dealing with Formal Verification, particularly those situated within the Reachability Analysis of Non-linear Dynamical Systems, under Prof. Parasara Sridhar Duggirala.

I also learned a bit of Theoretical CS (mostly Complexity Theory) and Quantum Computing from the neighboring Duke University community, where I’ve had the fortune of learning and receiving guidance from Prof. Iman Marvian in the realm of Quantum Computation and Information.

I’m generally interested in topics in Quantum Error Correction, Quantum Information Theory, and Quantum Complexity Theory. I also like their intersections with Topological Quantum Computation and Condensed Matter Theory. I’m currently exploring some topics in:

  • Topological Quantum Codes
  • Quantum LDPC Codes
  • Topological Quantum Phases, TQFTs.
  • Quantum Pseudo-randomness, Quantum Expanders

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List of Courses

**Email: ekim4175@usc.edu **


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